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Research and development


If something is not available on the global market, we create it ourselves …


Geological diversity and specifics of our home country have forced us years ago to among other things also develop drilling tools and techniques. Because of our own needs and lack of some technological solutions in the market we have established our own development department which opens new horizons for Vilkograd in the field of pipe installation with the NO-DIG method.

Because we learn from our experience the construction of drilling tools is a challenge. The success of it depends on usability and top quality.

The results of this know-how are drilling heads. Their quality has spread the voice of Vilkograd in the global NO-DIG community and has opened us global door. At the global meeting of producers of construction mechanization, Baumi 2010 in Munich, we have been invited by our German business partner to present our latest drilling head KRT 5 which is suitable for drilling in the most demanding terrains. KRT 5 has set new standards in the field of usability and ergonomics of drilling while giving our developers additional energy for new products with heavy emphasis on the environment protection and lowering the fuel consumption. “From the seed to the crop” is the story that leads us in the future.