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Dynamic rehabilitation of sewers and water mains

Rehabilitation of sewers and water mains using Grundocrack technology

We all know that the classic renovation of pipelines is protracted and inconvenient, particularly if renovation must be carried out alongside or beneath roads, thus blocking traffic flows for extended periods. At the same time, it has become essential for traffic to flow smoothly. Using our work methods, these problems disappear, since implementation takes less time and requires a smaller work area.

Sanacija kanalizacije ter vodovodov po tehnologiji Grundocrack

We are therefore offering an alternative comprising consulting, planning and help in finding the most profitable solution. The solution must ensure rapid and economic implementation with minimum environmental impact and maximum quality of work. The technology presented has been used for some time in Western Europe, while we introduced it to Slovenia with great success. Existing, demolished or outdated lines are replaced with quality polyethylene, polypropylene or other pipes, in which all necessary connections can be made. In reconstructing sewers, it is possible to replace only the pipes, with the shafts remaining undamaged. During implementation, pipes may be replaced with pipes of smaller, equal or greater diameters.

Grundo Crack is a dynamic method and is suitable for rehabilitation of:

  • concrete, plastic, polyester sewer pipes
  • pipe diameters from f 100 mm to 800 mm
  • rehabilitation in steps up to 100 m
  • pulling in new polyethylene, polypropylene, ductile etc. pipes.
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