»HDD – an excellent solution for complex pipelines as well as household utilities and smaller crossings.«
We have recently introduced to the Slovenian market a number of major innovations. These include a technological solution intended for implementation of municipal and power household utilities.
The technology is primarily intended for construction of pipe and cable household utilities, such as water mains, gas pipelines, telecommunications, electrification etc. The equipment is suitable for crossing minor streams, railways and other challenging obstacles.
The technology is primarily intended for construction of pipe and cable household utilities, such as water mains, gas pipelines, telecommunications, electrification etc. The equipment is suitable for crossing minor streams, railways and other challenging obstacles.
The technology enables us to produce directional (guided) subsurface drilling up to 50 m in length.
Diameter of drawn pipes may be from f 25 mm to f 125 mm:
Drawing pipes
The technology allows PE, PP and metal pipes to be drawn.
Implementation possible in category II to VII soils.
Implementation of horizontal bores using HDD directional drilling technology
The technology is based on basic direction or guidance of drill heads, which means that we can implement the planned bore in accordance with a previously prepared project. The lengths of individual bores are linked to the geological composition of the terrain and individual geographic characteristics. Objectively, the maximum length of an individual bore is 500 m, depending on the diameter of the bore and the geological-geographical conditions. Classic implementation of boring takes place in category I-IV soils; work is also possible in category V and higher soils, as is drilling in rocks with the use of special drilling tools.
After completion of the bore, PE/HD or protective metal pipes of diameter 500 mm or more are generally drawn. The technology allows multiple pipes to be drawn simultaneously. It is essential that each bore can be implemented with horizontal and vertical curves, radius > 40 m, which enables undisturbed implementation of subsurface drilling of all types of waterway, municipal, road and other infrastructure.
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